Saturday, July 2, 2011

A chili recipe for today's BBQ

I wrote a whole post the other night and blogger would not let me publish it. Bitch.

So I will recreate that later, if I can. But the basics were I've been eating horribly all week and I'm sure at weigh in tomorrow the numbers are not going to be pretty.

But yesterday afternoon it hit me, I hadn't been tracking points all week! I need to be accountable and not just rely on oh I can do this on my own. So back on the point wagon today.

And it's a holiday weekend. Yeay. That means we are BBQ'ing tonight and having people over. And I love BBQ. So I'm going to have to watch myself.

No chips and dip. I've already decided that much.  And maybe a tiny bit of steak or burger (no bun).

But I just made a huge pot of vegetarian chili. And I'll be good and not add the sour cream on top, and maybe only a bit of cheese.

But I want to share this recipe. Because I think it's the most amazing vegetarian chili out there. I calculated the whole pot as 32 pts with the brands I used. I think it is about 6-8 servings. So at least 4 pts a serving at most 5.5.

3 cans organic kidney beans ( I cheat cause I hate waiting on dried beans, but you can probably use a couple cups of those) with liquid and 1 can water.
1 can tomatoes (I use the fire roasted ones from Trader Joes, cause they have a hint of jalepeno)
1-2 large onions diced
1 bell pepper sliced
tiny bit of oil to sautee the onion and bell pepper in
2 squares of Varlhona bittersweet chocolate
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cumin
1 T. chili powder
1 T. ground mustard
1 small can tomato paste (I didn't have any today so I skipped that)

Sautee the onion and pepper in the bottom of the 5 qt pot for 3-5 min. Add the mustard and chili powder, stir. Add the cumin and cinnamon. Stir more. Add the chopped up chocolate. Stir. Add in the tomatoes and let it all mix together for a minute or two.
Add in the kidney beans and tomato paste.
Simmer uncovered for 40 min. or until thick.
And done!

I usually serve sour cream, shredded cheese, and green chilis on the side. And cornbread.  But obviously those were not included in my point total :)

I know there's some thing where if the veggies are cooked then they are assigned a point value. I just don't kow what that is. So maybe I should add a couple points for that factor. Ok, I'll round up the whole pot is 35 pts.
Still not bad for a super filling, high protein, high fiber dinner!

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