Photo Accountability - Week 1

I was debating owning up to my body size via photos. I hate the idea of photos of me on the internet. But after I took the pics the other night I was so completely disgusted with what I saw that I knew I had to do this. To remind myself of it. Because you know I've already deleted them off my phone.

To some people, ok most people, when I say I weight 130 they say you don't need to lose weight. That would be my dream weight. You aren't fat. You don't know what it's like to hate your body. Etc. My response is this, I know what looks proportionate for me, and this weight is NOT it. I also submit to you these two photos of what 130 looks like.

Now I see why people think I am pregnant. I've been pregnant and not that round for the first 4 months!  Also, note the upper arms. Yeah, no more tank tops til I start toning those.

I'll focus on the positive, my ass is flat.

Clearly, those shorts need to go. I just wasn't about to take a photo in a bikini.