Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yep, it's Christy.

The wonderful, the amazing, the talented, the gorgeous....Me!

What? I need to lose weight? Well, yeah, of course I do. I know it. You know it. EVERYBODY who has ever came in contact with me knows it. That doesn't distract from my awesomeness, of course. There's just more of me to love....right?


Well, yeah, right....except, I'm 42. 5'6". 372 lbs.

Let me repeat that. 5'6", 372 lbs.

I'm pretty much as wide as I am tall.

I tend to live in the land of denial. What? I'm not fat! I can still (insert whatever I wanted to do here), by golly!

Except, now, I'm getting to where I can't. And it scares me.

Scares me BAD. Scares me enough that I started "journey to weight loss surgery"..But I never finished it. I'm not sure why, other than it's such a change. To me, it was like I got up, went to work one morning and 2 hours before quitting time, someone called and said "OH, by the way, you no longer live there. You live at Xxxx now. And you don't speak the language any longer. Good luck!"

Laurie is my friend. She doesn't judge me even though I would make 3 of her. She never pressured me to lose weight. She listened. She commisserated. She told me what she was doing. And, somehow I fell into it.

We are doing a "modified" points program. I'm not dying. I've ordered a set of scales. I'm dragging my bicycle out of the storage shed.

Let's see how it goes.....

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