Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 3.......or maybe its 4?

It's Thursday. It's Day 3 of this new stuff. Or maybe it's Day 4....Im not certain.

I know, it's Day 4. Monday, aka Day 1, was the day I counted my points, did some math, and ate half a bag of snack size Hershey bars for supper. I came in even on points, but it seemed wrong.

Not my proudest moment, let me tell you.

We figured out that I get 59 points a day. That's bunches. I even downloaded a Point app for my iPhone.

So, that was Day 1.... Day 2, Laurie posted a pic on Facebook of the sandwich she had for lunch. OMG, it looked so good! I decided I needed to recreate that very sandwich for supper.

Tomato? Check!
Onion? Check!
Mozzerella slices? Check!
Sandwich oil? Ummmmmmmm.........Not Check......
Ciabatta bread? Oh, another Not Check......

Stopped at the store. I couldn't get ciabatta bread, ended up with Wheat Berry bread...No sandwich oil, found some Balsamic Vinegar dressing. Then I bought food for work. First time EVER IN MY LIFE I walked around and looked at labels. I figured up points per serving.

Wow. Points Per Serving are insane on most things. Luckily, I can use a microwave at work, so I bought Lean Cusine, Weight Watchers, even Stouffer's for lunches. For Breakfast I bought Carnation Breakfast on the Go chocolate milk breakfast thingy(7 points).

So, now, my days are going like this....

Breakfast: Carnation Breakfast drink thingy(7 points)
Lunch: Nuked frozen dinner(4-9 points)
Snack: cup of peaches(4 points)
Drinks: Water(mostly)
Supper: God, it depends.......

BUT, back to my sandwich. I didn't have all the ingredients, so I cobbled it together best I could.

Let me say, is GREAT.

2 slices bread...6 pts total
sliced tomato....0 pts
sliced onion.....0 pts
Mozzerella.......4 pts
1 tbsp dressing..2 pts
Parkay Spray.....0 pts

Spray the outside of the bread with the Parkay spray. Toast lightly in a med skillet. Remove, spread toasted side of one slice with the dressing, then put a slice of cheese, slices of tomatoes, slices of onions, another slice of cheese, then the last slice of bread with the toasted side in. Spray soft side with a touch of Parkay. Put in a panini press or back in the med hot skillet and toast on both sides until cheese is melty.

12 pts. AMAZING taste.

12 pts. I will probably eat these all summer.

Let's just hope I can kill the monkey on my back.....Dr Pepper.

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