Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday.....Week 2

Sigh, it's Monday. Has been all freaking day. Woke up to a non-operational dryer. Great. Luke-warm shower water. Great. Neither one were a major problem(dryer-breaker, water-needed the water heater thermostat bumped up).

Then, I get everything together so (daughter) and I can leave. I grab a Vanilla Carnation Breakfast thingy out of the fridge and a Weight Watcher's microwave meal from the freezer and out the door we go. Put us in the Jeep, take her to my mom's drop her off and head to work. Part way there, I shake, shake, shake my Breakfast thingy and open it...Then take a HUGE swig...OMG, it was AWFUL. It was vanilla flavored, but almost slimy or maybe oily feeling in my mouth and it left this AWFUL aftertaste. Too late to do anything else, so I finish it and head on in to work.

*note: I finished the 6 pt breakfast thingy instead of chucking it out the window and going to Sonic for a Bacon Breakfast Burrito. WHICH I WANTED DESPERATELY!

I get to work and my door is locked. I don't have a key to my office. There's no need. The same key works in every door, so there isn't a bit of use in my locking it. Except, over the weekend, someone locked it. I track someone down with a key, get my door opened and start work...except my stomach feels ICKY.....SICKLY ICKY and I can still feel the slimy in my mouth. I go find a bottle of water and drink most of it over the next hour. Still there. YUCK! I rummage in my drawer and find a bag of Lay's Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper chips. I can't eat these. I know I cant.

So...I resist....

For awhile.

While my stomach gets ickier and ickier.

Finally, I break down and run the numbers. 18 chips for 4 points. I debate. Then I decide to eat the blasted chips. My being sick isnt worth 4 freaking points.

I opened the bag, cracked the seal, if you will. Yes, it had never been opened. I dutifully counted out 18 chips and laid them aside. Then, I pressed the air out of the bag, rolled the top down, put a binder clip over the rolled down top and SMASHED THE HELL OUT OF THE CHIPS STILL IN THE BAG! (I hate chip dust, btw) I took my binder clip off, threw the bag away and ate my 18 chips.

They aren't my favorite chips, by any means, but they were ok. And my stomach felt a bit better afterwards.

So, then the rest of the day commenced.

Breakfast: 6 points
Snack to recover from breakfast: 4 points
Lunch: 8 points

Since I started at my newly reduced number of 52, I now have 34 points left, if my math is correct.

I have Oscar Meyer Turkey Bacon that goes for 0 points per serving. Fresh tomatoes, again, 0 points. Healthy Life White Bread, 2 points per 2 slice serving. And Im sure I will manage to use 2-3 points of mayo. (The real stuff, not the "reduced fat" because that stuff is horrible. I'd much rather have a teensy bit of the good than a truckload of yucky.)

So that's what? 4 points for a sandwich? Not bad. Even if I have two, that's 8-10 points and I will have 24 points left over for tomorrow. I know, I know, that's not the way to do it EXCEPT I'm going to a company dinner at the local Mexican place tomorrow. I have no idea what to get, so I will research it in a bit, but I'm thinking I can use all the points I can get.

And, tomorrow is Tuesday. After my dinner, it's Naked Adult Swim night at my sister's house.

Ok, not really. But it is Adult Swim night. We let the kids(her two, my one) get wore out from swimming then send them in the house to watch tv and carry on while we float around her pool for 2 hours. We solve the world's problems floating in that pool. Every Tuesday in hot weather, around 7. Show up if you can.

As an aside, I stopped by the grocery to buy the turkey bacon on my way home tonight. I saw a girl I went to school with and she looks SMOKING. She had gastric bypass a year ago and has lost so much weight, she is amazing. Sometimes, sometimes, I wonder why I couldn't bring myself to commit to that. Maybe I will. Someday. But I have to try this first. Just because.

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