Saturday, June 18, 2011

Feeling like an utter failure

I need to get out of the mindset that just because I fucked up it's all over. I've been doing pretty well all week. Staying within my points (except for Day 2), trying to make healthy food choices. Resisting dessert on a daily basis. But yesterday was just a disaster.

Cranberry Oatmeal = 4 pts
Lunch: I was craving a breakfast sandwich (egg, bacon, cheese on a kaiser roll) = 10 pts. Even though I had brought my 3 pt soup.  But when I went to get it, they were out and don't make them after 10:30. So I got a salad. Spinach, salad greens, cherry tomatoes, carrots, orange bell pepper, pepperoncini, olives, egg (for protein), feta and raspberry vinagrette. This is basically the salad I've been eating 3 days a week for the past 4 months. Except usually it's ranch and there is bacon and croutons on top. See, I thought I was being good. Taking the 3 bad things off.
Til I went upstairs and calculated the points. The salad on my desk was close to 25 points (best I could tell). The avocado and feta and olives were major culprits (I hadn't even counted the dressing yet).
I took control of it though, I took off all but three slices of avocado. I took off all but 1 pt worth of olives. I tried my best with the feta, but it was crumbled and hard to pick out. I tossed the dressing. I'd like to think I got the salad down to 10 pts.
I also realized the other culprit of my weight gain.

And then things just went downhill. I went out for happy hour with a few friends.
I know alchohol is horrible points wise (at least fruity mixed drinks are). So I thought I would be smart and just get vodka on the rocks to limit the points.
But then I was drunk after half a drink. And started ordering food. Lots and lots of chips and dips, empanadas. All the fried goodness on the menu. And then another drink.
I can't even begin to calculate what I did points wise. But I'm sure I not only went through the other 15 points I had for the day, but the 49 extra points I had for the week.

And I have dinner plans out tonight. I don't even know how to cope with that.  I feel like anything I did positively this week was completely obliterated last night.

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